· 3D
  · Creativity
    · Modeling
    · Compositing
    · Animation

  · Creativity
    · Color Art
    · B&W Art
    · WebComic Art
    · Floral Designs
    · Native BeadWork
    · WoodWork Art
Scudder "White Pony" Kidwell

Color Art

The White Guardian Wallpaper The White Guardian Loneliness Logo Beth Sorrow
The White Guardian Powerjump Bowman Wolf Penny Florence at PowerPlant
First PonyCon Logo KY Introduction to Cross Time Cafe Mako Anthro Ram
McClaw Anthro Tiger Page 06 to Beths Loneliness Yin Anthro Panda
Page 02 to Beths Loneliness Second PonyCon Logo Illustration to Unicorn Lost
White Pony Wolf Lynx Anthro Wolf  

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Modeling | Compositing | Animation
Home | Color Art | B&W Art | WebComic Art | Floral Designs | Native BeadWork | WoodWork Art

The images, artwork, characters, costume and stories expressed here are
Copyright © 1984-2017 Scudder "White Pony" Kidwell
All Rights, including World Rights are Reserved.